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Using Quail Eggs

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The possible ways of using quail eggs are endless. They are just as great as chicken eggs make something delicious with quail eggs instead.

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Are you wondering how in the world you go about using quail eggs? They are small. Between 10-14g.

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Due to their smaller size, quail eggs have a lower white-to-yolk ratio. With more yolk to savor, your dishes will get a creamier, richer taste. They’ll also be more nutritious.

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Cracking raw quail eggs can be difficult. Using a sharp serrated knife or special quail egg scissors is the easiest way to crack an egg.

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For any recipe that calls for chicken eggs, you can use quail eggs whether you are baking, scrambling them, or frying them.

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Jumbo Coturinx quail eggs weigh 12-14g. Large chicken eggs weigh 2oz. That means you need at about 4 quail eggs. Not all eggs weigh the same, a kitchen scale comes in handy here.

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Boiling them only takes about 3 minutes instead of 12 for a large egg.

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One-bite deviled eggs or pickled quail eggs are among the top choices!

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Coturnix Quail

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