Best DIY Grease Cleaner

This is the best DIY grease cleaner I have ever used, and I have used it a lot now.

I can't believe I am willing to show pictures of the tops of my cupboards.

What you need: – 1/8 cup borax – 1/4 cup washing soda – 1 squirt Dawn dish detergent – 1/8 cup baking soda – 5 cups hot water

Make sure you have rubber gloves to wear while you use this, the borax can be hard on the skin, and you want your water hot.

Grab a cloth, a rag that you aren't worried about staining, a sponge, or something, and start cleaning.

I also used this to clean my range-hood filter and it worked like a dream. After removing it from the hood, I soaked it in the grease cleaner right in my sink.

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