Egg binding can occur in even the healthiest of hens, but there are a few factors that make it more likely. Some possible causes of egg binding include:
1. Calcium Deficiency 2. Egg Retention Due to Insufficient Nesting Areas 3. Obesity 4. Immature Layer (a hen that begins laying before her body is ready) 5. Dehydration
This is a serious condition that can be life-threatening if not addressed promptly. If you suspect that one of your chickens is egg-bound, it's important to take action right away.
Egg-bound chickens may feel uncomfortable and stressed. Provide a warm, quiet, and comfortable environment for your chicken to help her relax.
A warm bath can help relax the muscles in the hen's reproductive tract, making it easier for her to lay the egg.
Use a gentle circular motion, and be careful not to apply too much pressure. You do NOT want to break the egg.
Egg-bound hens may benefit from a boost of calcium, which can help strengthen the muscles in the reproductive tract. You can give your hen some crushed eggshells, oyster shells, or calcium supplements.