Reasons to Have Backyard Chickens

We currently have 25 chickens. Which can be a lot of eggs each day. Those are only one reason for having backyard chickens though. Today I am going to share more reasons with you.

This is the best reason for having backyard chickens, you’ll never be without fresh eggs.

I love how much my kids have learned from having chickens.

Not only will you get nutritious, organic eggs, but you can be safe in the knowledge that your omelet is served up cruelty-free.

Guess what chickens like to eat? BUGS! They will eat ticks, slugs, grasshoppers, you name it.

They can be put into smaller crates, or temporary enclosures to move them to areas where weeds are out of control.

We love having our backyard chickens. They are entertaining. They are different. They have become our pets. Not to say that one or two won’t turn up in the slow cooker though.