Successful Canning and Freezing Tips

Canning and freezing are great ways to preserve food, but there are a few things you need to know to do it right.

But things can go wrong, and sometimes your efforts to can and freeze don't turn out too well.

For the best bet at success, preserve seasonal, local foods. Start with your own garden and greenhouse!

If you are freezing fresh food, blanching the food before freezing it can up your success rates considerably.

Getting the air out of preserved foods is essential.

If there is a sale on produce at your local market, canning and freezing are excellent ways to keep that wonderful money-saver from going to waste.

Success is more likely if you do a small batch at a time.

When it comes to freezing your foods, the colder the temperature, the better.

The importance of cleanliness in preserving foods – especially canning – cannot be overemphasized.

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