Prepare Your Garden This Spring

Preparation for the garden is not always the easiest task, and knowing how and when to start is important. Here are ways to prepare your garden this spring.

Give your garden a good sprucing up by taking away leaves and other messes from the flower beds and borders.

If you know an area was prone to weeds last year, do something now.

The very first thing you want to do is check for damage. Over the winter, soggy soil from rain and snow can put a strain on the wood frames of a raised garden bed.

For healthy soil, mix finished compost into the top layer of the soil. This will provide your soil with the essential nutrients it needs to nourish your plants.

Once the soil is workable, direct sow any early spring vegetables. Cool-weather veggies like lettuce, cabbage, radishes, and scallions will germinate in cooler soil.

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