Reusing Household Items for Starting Seeds Inside

I am the queen of saving money where I can. I always hate the idea of buying more starter containers for getting plants started, ours always seem to disappear. But there are so many different ways to reuse household items for starting seeds inside.

Reusing Household Items for Starting Seeds Inside - planting in eggshells with text overlay

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Reusing Household Items for Starting Seeds Inside

There are many things you can use to start seeds around your house. This way you can save your money for more seeds.

Most containers will require you to poke a drainage hole before you fill it with soil before you add your seed.

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Egg Shells – Really handy if you eat eggs, super handy if you raise chickens for eggs. Even if you don't have chickens eggshells are great for starting seedlings. Use the egg carton to hold your eggshells.

Yogurt, Fruit, Pudding Containers – we did this last for the first time and it worked great!

Paper towel and Toilet Paper Tubes – use those empty toilet paper rolls as seed starters. Just cut the tubes into 2-inch lengths and set them upright in a waterproof tray.

K-Cups – Those popular K-Cups have a second life as individual seed starters. Just dump out the coffee grounds, and give them a rinse, they already have a drainage hole.

Ice Cube Trays – Old ice cube trays are the perfect size for seed starters. Totally doing this one this year! Plus you can get them from the dollar store super cheap.

Reusing Household Items for Starting Seeds Inside

Plastic Takeout Containers – great for seedlings that need more room, or those you don't have to worry about spacing out.

Cupcake Liners – stack a few cupcake liners together and poke a hole in the bottom for drainage. You can keep the starters in an actual muffin tin for side support or just keep them on a tray.

Salad Containers from Grocery Stores – these also have the added bonus of a lid creating an instant greenhouse!

Newspaper – I haven't tried this method but it gives you the added bonus that you don't have to remove the seedling/plant from the newspaper before planting. Learn how to fold the newspaper here.

Cardboard Boxes – just like the newspaper above, you can plant the cardboard box in the ground and it will decompose. Just make sure there is no tape or metal in/on your box.

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