Canning and freezing are great ways to preserve food, but there are a few things you need to know to do it right.
Canning and freezing are popular ways to preserve foods, especially summer’s bounty. They’re both ways to prevent waste and save money.
For the best bet at success, preserve seasonal, local foods. Start with your own garden and greenhouse!
If you are freezing fresh food, blanching the food before freezing it can up your success rates considerably.
Getting the air out of preserved foods is essential. In canned goods, you can tap the bottom of the jar sharply on the kitchen counter to release air bubbles.
Success is more likely if you do a small batch at a time. You are more than likely not harvesting enough to do full batches from your own garden.
When it comes to freezing your foods, the colder the temperature, the better. Deep freezers keep the temperature lower than the average fridge freezer, and the colder the temperature, the longer the food can be kept.