Planning Perennial Vegetables in Your Landscape

There are many advantages to planting perennial vegetables in your landscape. Not only do they provide a long-term solution to your garden needs, but they also add beauty, interest, and sustainability to your garden.

rhubarb with text overlay

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Planning Perennial Vegetables in Your Landscape

Edible landscaping is a great way to grow your own food while maintaining a beautiful space. There will be a wide variety of plants you may wish to grow on your plot of land, and you will likely make choices by finding a balance between what looks beautiful and what brings in the fruits and vegetables you want in come summer and fall.

Perennial vegetables in your edible landscape is a wise move because it will bring returns for your labor each and every year that your landscape is maintained. You do have to keep maintenance in mind.

So how does one go about incorporating them, and what do you need to know about the process?

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The Benefits of Perennial Vegetables

There are many reasons to add perennial vegetables to your edible landscaping plans. One great reason is their ability to build healthy soil, due to the fact that they need not be tilled. They also have the ability to fertilize themselves and neighboring plants by causing nitrogen to be fixed in the soil.

Perennial vegetables tend to be low-maintenance plants and have the ability to resist pests and severe weather. Even if you only have a few of these vegetables in your landscape, you will be glad you chose them.

Find Out Which Vegetables are Perennial

There are several vegetables that are perennial. Perennial means that the plant dies back to the ground each fall and grows again in the spring. These plants will be those that you don’t need to purchase every year, saving you money and time.

Some of the most popular perennial vegetables are asparagus and rhubarb.

Artichokes, wild leeks, and some onions are also perennial vegetables that add flavor to any table.

Kale, with its beautiful deep green hue, is often grown as an annual but is actually a perennial vegetable.

Decide What Vegetables You Will Use

Unless you are planning on giving away your produce, choose vegetables that you love and will use when they are fully grown. Think about what you might can or dehydrate for later in the year too.

It makes no sense to grow a large section of asparagus if you can’t stand the taste of it. No matter how beautiful rhubarb may look when growing, there is no point in incorporating it if you will not use it later. Choose perennial vegetables that you enjoy consuming.

And things you can sell “farm to gate” are great too!

asparagus with text overlay

Decide How to Incorporate Them into Your Landscape

Now you need to decide on where you will place them, and how much you will grow. It also depends on whether you are incorporating them into an already-designed landscape or starting the entire landscape from scratch.

Make a drawing on a sheet of paper, and design your plan for where you want each plant to be.

Take into consideration what you are looking for. For example, if you wish for another plant to utilize your perennial vegetable’s fertilizing capabilities, then plant them close together.

If you have a corner that is difficult to get to and you need a low-maintenance plant there, then one of your perennial vegetables may fare better than another choice.

Perennial vegetables may help beautify the look of your edible landscape. When you include them, you are giving your garden an extra chance at success. Pick your favorites, make some plans, and you will feel very pleased that you did both now and in the future.

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