Chickens that Lay Blue Eggs

Inside: There are some special breeds of chickens that lay blue eggs that you can add to your flock for that pretty blue.

There is something special about going out to collect eggs and finding a pretty blue egg laying through waiting for you. There are some special breeds of chickens that lay blue eggs that you can add to your flock for that pretty blue.

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Chickens that Lay Blue Eggs

Our first batch of chicks were our Buff Bantam Brahmas. Less than a week later we brought home a box of Easter Egger chicks. While five of those six chicks ended up male, the one female laid a pretty blue egg. The shell while still quite light, started the laying season off dark and faded throughout the season until it was almost blue.

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Easter Eggers

As I mentioned earlier, Easter Eggs are bred for laying specific colors, and blue is one of those colors.

While Easter Eggers are not a specific breed of chicken, but rather a mixed breed that includes Ameraucanas and other blue egg-laying breeds. They are known for their unique and unpredictable feather colors and patterns. Easter Eggers lay around 3-4 eggs per week.

Easter egger - grey chicken that lays a green egg

Cream Legbars

Cream Legbars are a relatively new breed of chicken that lay blue eggs. They are a friendly and active breed that are known for their beautiful feather colors and crests on their heads. Cream Legbars lay around 3-4 eggs per week.


The Ameraucana is a popular breed of chicken that lays blue or green eggs. They are a friendly and docile breed that are known for their beautiful feather colors and unique pea combs. Ameraucanas lay around 3-4 eggs per week.


Araucanas are another breed of chicken that lay green or blue eggs. They are a smaller breed with a unique appearance, including ear tufts and no tails. Araucanas lay around 3-4 eggs per week.

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In addition to their blue eggs, each of these breeds has its own unique qualities that make them an excellent choice for backyard chicken keepers. Whether you're looking for a friendly breed that's easy to handle or a breed with striking feather patterns, there's a blue egg-laying breed that's sure to fit the bill.

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Egg Layers

    What causes a hen to lay blue eggs? A pigment called oocyanin is deposited on the egg of the Ameraucana breed, penetrating both the exterior and interior of the shell and making it blue.

    Are blue eggs healthier? Several studies have found that shell color does not significantly affect egg quality or composition.

    Why are blue eggs more expensive? Blue eggs generally will cost more because blue egg-laying breeds are not only not as consistent layers as the leghorn.

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